
Drum show
The ebullient drum show is unique in its fluidity, power and aesthetics. Customers remark on an extraordinary, never before seen or heard highlight. Its uniqueness comes from the unusual combination of instruments that have been imported from their native countries. The icing on the cake is the Hirado-Taiko with its painted Taiko symbols made in Japan from just one piece of wood. It’s the only one of its kind in Switzerland. It weighs 250kg with a diameter of 120cm. A description of the special wood can be accessed DOWNLOAD. Other instruments on show are the Buk from South Korea, Rattles from Africa, and the Hang and Gubal from Switzerland. The audience find Fabrizio Perini’s shows fascinating because he plays with a exceptional dynamic, moving from the very quiet to the powerful strikes within the same piece. The energy and power he brings to his performance carry over into the audience.

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«Your program sounds fabulous and you are the best around. I will be visiting and integrating you into our occasion.» Event Manager


Instruction for Large Groups and Single Persons
Instruction for Large Groups and Single Persons
Learn or refine your rhythmic abilities. Play the drum, taiko from Japan or Buk from South Korea. The program has been developed for both individuals and groups who desire to learn the art of Asian drumming (Taiko and/or Buk) from the ground up or would like to develop their existing abilities.
These types of drumming are not only limited to the use of the hands, but utilise the whole body and all its senses.
Fabrizio has developed this unique method of learning over many years of instruction and examination. It allows him to help participants learn in a relaxed and hands-on manner.

Anfrage für Workshop oder Schulung


«The unique experience of learning through movement and integrated rhythmic beauty with Asian Drumming is a pro-tip!»
Regina Widmer